Welcome to MY page
My professional history can be dowload with my C.V. ; but here you can find my soul.

Bad temper, aggressive, intolerant.
Sometime people fall madly in love with me, but after few days they hate me – or become friends forever –
I have studied 2 years vet science, one biology, one history of art…and then adv photography for 5 years to become a pro photographer. After that 10 years of extreme sports as freelance photojournalist, traveling all around the world.
At 36 years old 2 kids and and the heritage of one hectare of olive grove on Lake Garda .
In 2008 I attended my first professional course to become an olive oil taster. I haven’t left since then.
Now I’m a Panel Leader, my panel name is Aipol2 and it’s recognized as professional from the Italian government (Mipaaf), I own my certified Panel Room where I enjoy my job 2 days a week, every week of the year, with my panelists or my “puppies”. Panelists taste and are trained, puppies learn how to become future panelists .
In 2017 I was asked to take care of the world’ oldest Evoo International Competition : ” Leone d’Oro dei Mastri Oleari “
In the following years I’ve changed the rules, I brought the competition back to the acknowledged seriousness of the beginnings, integrated in the Competition a professional sensory evaluation according to the IOC method, tasted thousands of samples with my panelists all year round. We also check the shelf life and help the producers to improve the positive attributes of their oils.
I’ve put time, energy and passion, shared the beauty of smelling emotions and colors with my Panel, with costumers, with people trained and with people that had never tasted evoo in their life.
I love to see that spark that lights up in someone’s eyes after I’ve guided them to a sensory evaluation of a vibrant, fresh and complex evoo, I love to help small producers, the same that can save our biodiversity. I love to show people that the sense of smell is directly linked to emotions even if we have forgotten it.
I know that my job won’t save lives, and I know that life it’s hard…and then you die ;-), but I’ve found my confort zone in a job that allowed me to share my knowledge and make people feel emotion through the hundreds shades of green of this special nutraceutical food that everyone thinks they know…
But they don’t
… until they become #EvoNerds like me. 🎈

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