From land to the sea: the Leone d'Oro embraces Sea Shepherd’s fight to save the environment. Everything is connected. If there is one thing I firmly believe in, it’s this.…
LEONE D’ORO 2020, THE FINALIST (in alphabetical order) ©Bernulia per Leone d'Oro Dowload the bollino/sticker MONOVARIETALI ITALIA Bisceglie MariaGangalupoCoratinaBoni Francesca . Olio TraldiOlio Traldi EximiuscanineseFattoria AmbrosioAlfaFrantoioFrantoi CutreraPrimo Dop - Tonda IbleaTonda…
Wednesday, the 27th of May, we will publish the FINALISTS In the most difficult year, even for the oil competitions, we finally reached the Finals of LEONE D'ORO.Seven categories, four…
Selezione Leone fly in United States, thanks Olioveto In Covid time even a small drop can make you dream about the ocean, end sometimes even cross it La Selezione Leone…
Leone d'Oro, don't get stuck is a pleasure 💚 From April 7, since we have no alternative, the Leone tasting panel entered the era of "smart tasting" We use the…
The graph we make for the Selezione Leone Evoo is simple: fruity-bitter and spicy are the medians of the INTENSITY expressed by at least 8 tasters on a scale from…
50ml, glass, no smell12 samples a daystrictly recycled boxes ;-) March 2020, #stayhome …. but damn it! the Lion was in full swing, the weekly tastings had followed each other…
From 2 to 12 March 2020, in collaboration with Jenny from Olioveto , I flew to Kona on the Big Island to present the Culture of very high-quality oil from…
Presupposition: 1- LEONE D'ORO is a competition that has chosen to be very selective. The tastings distributed over several months allow (even before the proclamation of the winner in May)…
In March, thanks to the wonderful women of Olioveto, Selezione Leone Evoos will fly to Hawaii...maybe yours too ;-) Dowload the program